I value

My faith

The Earth and her creatures

The light

The Dark

My body

Deep and real conversations






I am grateful for

The raw unconditional love of my dog Louise



Music and its medicine

Those who love and care for me

My body

The Earth’s wisdom

The Nigthtsky

My relationships

Plants and their medicine

My animal friends

My children

My health

My home in the forest

Jamy Rae Stanczyk

I am Jamy Rae. A lover of love and a true believer in world peace. I have many blessings and many privileges in my life. I like to laugh, sing, dance, play, hike and beach. I am a strong and powerful earth mama. I am here to love. I am here to bring innocence into the world. I am light. I am here to help people come back home to themselves, their bodies, and their medicine.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)